Financial Comfort Zone
What you feel comfortable spending is very different that what you can afford. This is what we tell every client when we are in the consulting phase. I learned early in my career that we can all afford many things, but it’s about what we find value in and want to spend our hard earned money on.
Budget VS Financial Comfort Zone
I’ve always held the notion in my career that a budget is simply a list of priorities with a number attached to it, and I stand by that still. However, we have changed our language over the years to forgo the term budget and replace it with “Financial Comfort Zone”. Immediately the ice is broken and people are a little less on the defense when we discuss their financials. The reality is this - could I afford an iconic Hermes Birkin handbag (which by the way is on average a $20k-$30k purse)? Sure, if I save very well and put that goal in place, I could be strutting around with a one-of-a-kind luxury handbag. However, at this point in my life (mind you I say this point in my life, because if my circumstances or the bag’s value changes, you may just see me with one) I do not see value in spending my hard earned money on a Birkin. So this brings me back to my original statement that says its not about what you can afford, it’s about what you find value in.
Do you see how the language changes the perspective. A budget almost feels like a restriction. Sometimes it feels like the world may be sizing you up based upon how much money you can afford to spend. Whereas a financial comfort zone, limits the world to knowing anything about what you can or cannot afford and it simply puts a number out there, that your feel comfortable spending.
These are just a few ways that we believe can help in keeping you in or near your financial comfort zone. Please feel free to email us with questions or any suggestions you have that helped in navigating your financial comfort zone.